President's Message
Welcome to the ConnectToTech Newsletter for September -- and to the 2013-2014 school year! As always,
we look forward to your feedback!
I am so thankful to all of you in over 40 companies and organizations and 45 school districts and
universities, who have given of your time and talents over the last six years to enable a connection
with over 9,000 students, motivating curiosity and learning about technical and technology careers!
The momentum continues this year!
To accelerate our business<>school "match-making" process, we have begun a refresh of our volunteer
profile database and will be reaching out to school districts proactively to build this year's event
calendar. You'll hear from us soon!
We have a new online presence:
- www.ConnectToTech.org has a new look this year -- divided into sections for students, teachers
and business professionals;
- STEMsearch.ConnectToTech.org is your search portal for STEM events and programs on Long Island.
There are buttons to add your own program to the portal, sign up as a volunteer, and request a volunteer or a speaker.
- A new LinkedIn Group was launched called the Information Technology Regional Industry Council for the Long Island STEM Hub.
Send a request to join today!
- And don't forget about our active facebook.com/ConnectToTech
and twitter.com/ConnectToTech1 accounts!
Events are already in full swing. On Sept 19th, ConnectToTech moderated a career panel for students at the
NYIT CyberSecurity Conference. Students were highly engaged to learn more about this
hot field! And on October 2nd, Bob DeRosa and I will be representing ConnectToTech at the Hauppauge Industrial Association.
This year, the Newsday College PrepTalk Guide
to College Planning will be featuring our Web site resources
and our STEMsearch portal.
I look forward to seeing you at our first meeting on October 18th (details below) to keep the momentum going!
To get your topic on our next meeting agenda, or to share your news, please email me at
Thank you for your continued support!
Judy Murrah
Oct 18th General Meeting
Please join us at our first general meeting of the school year:
When: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Fri Oct 18th
Where: Motorola Solutions (LIE exit 62)
-- Introductions and networking
-- What's New and Available Online
-- Upcoming programs and volunteer needs -- bring your requests!
-- Volunteer profile refresh process
-- Newsday College PrepTalk Guide and Workshops
RSVP: Please RSVP to Judy.Murrah@ConnectToTech.org
to let us know if
you'll be attending. We'll have an ID badge and snacks waiting for you!
Please park in back of building and enter through "Post B."
Business Volunteers Needed for Events
Business professionals are needed to support the following school events:
- High school sophomore requires mentor guidance part-time in building a digital meter for healthcare
purpose. Engineering and IT skills are helpful. More details will be shared, if you are interested
to help this ambitious project.
- High school senior would like to job shadow a Civil or Environmental Engineer.
Please contact Judy.Murrah@ConnectToTech.org
if you can support these enthusiastic students. Thanks in advance for your help.
Thank You Business Volunteers
A big thank you to Diana Melick -- ConnectToTech volunteer -- who is managing the volunteer
profiles and refresh. Your quick response to her requests will make us more efficient and
effective with our "match-making" process between student needs and business skills.
For Educators
From Jackie Grennon Brooks (Hofstra University)
First, let me thank the ConnectToTech group for some new contacts made last year which have enabled Hofstra University
and the Maritime Explorium to get engaged with East Islip Career Academies and with the STEM Hub Energy Council's energy project!
I am highlighting here a unique professional development opportunity for STEM educators in an equally unique setting
-- the Museum of Math in New York City -- on October 18th and 19th. This 30th annual conference is sponsored by the
Association for Constructivist Teaching and carries a theme of Constructivism, Creativity, and the Common Core:
Responding to the 3C's of Education in the 21st Century.
Although geared towards educators, parents and others are equally welcome! We have a stellar group of presenters
and are offering many innovative learning options.
There are a total of 56 sessions including traditional break- out sessions, as well as "museum expeditions" using
museum exhibits as part of the presentation. Keynote speakers are John Adam, Professor of Mathematics at Old Dominion
and author of some very successful books; and Cathy Fosnot, an internationally known educator, researcher, and speaker.
Registration and all information can be found at
STEMsearch Portal
STEMsearch Portal Brief
by Michael Nizich, Impact Systems
The STEMsearch Portal is available at
It is very flexible and easy to use. You can search over 900 Long Island STEM events and activities! You can post your own
STEM events and activities. You can request company volunteers for your classroom.
And, you can volunteer your services, if you want to help the Long Island STEM community.
Want to participate?
Companies can:
- Speak at a school
- Provide a student tour
- Provide a job shadow
- Sponsor an intern
- Sponsor a program
Schools can:
- Request a speaker
- Request a company tour
- Request a job shadow
- Request an internship
Contact us!