Empowering Voters, Defending Democracy


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It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of DIANNE SLAVIN who had been an active member of the LWVH for over 20 years -- serving as 2nd Vice President and Chair of the Voter Services Committee. She has been organizing and staffing 'Meet the Candidate' forums for many years. A constant theme of Dianne's life was helping others and enabling others to be heard, both through her career in Speech and Language Therapy and through her dedication to advancing voters' rights.

Dianne was retired from LIU-Post's Dept of Communication Sciences and Disorders as Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology and had previously worked for 17 years in a rehabilitation setting prior to moving to LI. She was devoted to treating adults with communication disorders and conducting research in the areas of voice, fluency and adult language disorders.

Dianne's kindness and gentle mentoring will be missed by us all. We have lost a friend and a valuable member. Her husband, Russell Koutrouby, has announced that in accord with Dianne's wishes, there will be no funeral service.

Table of Contents
-- President's Message
-- Spotlight on VP Deb Cosher
-- 363 High School Seniors Registered
-- League Supports Water Quality Presentation
-- A Tisket A Tasket, We Made Easter Baskets
-- Beware Election Official Impersonators
-- Huntington League President Honored by Huntington Town
-- Save the Date: Meet the Candidates

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     President's Message
By Lizbeth Thalheimer

March and April were busy months for the Huntington League. This is the heart of the state legislative season, when the Governor and the State Legislature decide on the budget for the next year. For us, that means visiting our state legislators to hear their priorities and let them know about programs and policies that have been endorsed by the New York State League. We also visit county and town lawmakers.

Meanwhile, we continued our effort to make voter registration a rite of passage for high school seniors. We want them to know that our vote is our power.

April also saw the 9th Annual Water Quality Presentation at the Northport Yacht Club. Our Issues & Advocacy Chair, Stephanie Quarles, worked tirelessly to make the event the success that it was.

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    Spotlight on VP Deb Cosher

Deb Cosher has been a member of the Huntington League for 8 years. After retiring from her practice as a chiropractor she was looking for an opportunity to encourage civic engagement, particularly among young people. She found a place for her interest and enthusiasm at the Huntington League, but also serves on the Huntington Anti-Bias Task Force. Until recently, she also was on the board of the Northport-East Northport Drug and Alcohol task force.

As Vice President and co-chair of the youth and voter services committees, she is proud of the four registration drives held last fall at local colleges and the six drives at local high schools this winter and fall, with more to come. Every year these efforts register or preregister between 800 and 1,000 students.

"I love dealing with the kids, with encouraging them to realize the importance of voting," says Cosher. "I remind them that you can't complain if you don't vote. That it's their school district, their town, their county, that everything from garbage, to water, to the lights in the park depend on local government, and voting in local elections really matters. When I talk about this, I see their eyes light up. It's their future."

For Cosher, there's more to league involvement than the work. "I found a connection at the league, meeting and socializing with such a diverse group of intelligent women," says Cosher. "I enjoy the camaraderie."

Now, she is looking ahead to getting the word out about the New York State Equal Rights Amendment that will be on the ballot this November. "Unlike the proposed federal amendment, this one will guarantee equality for all. So we need to do everything we can so that when voters turn the ballot over to see the questions, they will know what it means."

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    363 High School Seniors Registered to Vote
Most high school seniors are on the verge of another milestone besides graduation: the first time they'll be able to vote! The Huntington League visited 4 high schools in March and April-Walt Whitman, North Babylon, Deer Park and Central Islip--to help the students fill out registration forms, and 363 are now ready to vote when they turn 18.

In New York, 16- and 17-year-olds can pre-register to vote, meaning they are automatically registered voters when they turn 18, encouraging more students to participate in future elections.

To make the registration process more fun, the senior class at Walt Whitman High School was invited to the school's annual Voter Registration Breakfast. By the end of the event, 127 students had registered.

Meanwhile, at North Babylon High School one of 87 students who registered or pre-registered won a $100 gift card, and one student of 83 at Central Islip lucked out with a gift card.

At Deer Park, one social studies teacher brought down 4 classes. In four hours, 86 students registered or pre-registered, and one of them won the $100 raffle.

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   League Supports Water Quality Presentation
by Stephanie Quarles

More than 100 people filled the Northport Yacht Club on April 18 to hear the latest information about the quality of the water we drink and the water around us, particularly in Northport Bay.

Stephanie Quarles, chair of the Huntington League's Issues & Advocacy Committee, coordinated the program, which was sponsored by the yacht club with support from the Huntington League and the Greater Huntington Boating Council. Stephanie coordinated her work with Janice Winter, Chair of the Northport Yacht Club Special Events Committee, and the yacht club's Sustainability Committee.

Some good news was presented during the evening, but also the reality that much remains to be done.

Northport Bay remains in poor condition, Dr. Ryan Wallace reported. Dr. Ryan is Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies and Sciences, at Adelphi University. Old-fashioned septic systems leach nitrogen into the bay and contaminate drinking water with nitrates. He said that Northport Harbor has some of the lowest dissolved oxygen levels on Long Island, leading to the death of marine life. The heavy load of nitrogen is also intensifying harmful algal blooms, hypoxia, and acidification.

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    A Tisket A Tasket, We Made Easter Baskets
Since the pandemic, the Huntington LWV has donated Easter Baskets to the Helping Hands Mission in Huntington Station. These baskets go to families who cannot afford this luxury for their children. This year, the mission was trying to gather 1,500 Easter Baskets (yes,1,500).

With little time (because the organizers were heading out of town), we got the word out within the League and were able to donate 48 baskets! And we'll do more next year!

We had a great time assembling the baskets; we know that we've made a lot of kids very happy! Thank you to everyone for your generous donations of time, goodies and money. Special thanks to: Nancy Holiday, Kathleen Cleary, Susan Peters, Joanna Ferrante Goerges, Mary Speed Perri, Arlene Forwand, Liz Thalheimer, Deb Cosher, Nancy Sordi, Helen Crosson, Maureen Dwyer, Kerry Hager, Sandra Donnelly, Chris McClay, Stephanie Quarles and Bill Raisch.

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    Beware Election Official Impersonators
by League of Women Voters New York

On April 13, election officials in Saratoga County alerted voters that a man was going door to door posing as an election official and questioning Democrats about their petition signatures. The man claimed to be a Board of Elections Inspector there to verify if county treasurer candidate, Michele Madigan, witnessed their signature on her petitions. It is a class A misdemeanor to impersonate a public servant. Also, election officials will never go door to door.

A similar incident occurred in Suffolk County last September, according to the Suffolk Couny Board of Elections
Should anyone appear at a residence and claim that they are a Suffolk County Board of Elections' employee or official, request identification and then notify the Suffolk County Board of Elections at 631-852-4500 immediately. If you obtain a photograph or video of the individual through security devices, please forward such photograph or video to the Board for forwarding to appropriate law enforcement. Do not provide any personal information.

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Huntington League President Honored
by Huntington Town
by Dianne Slavin and Deb Cosher

As part of the Town of Huntington's celebration of Women's History Month, the town honored four local women who have championed women's rights, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Among them was Lizbeth Thalheimer, the president of our Huntington chapter of the League of Women Voters. The other honorees were Katiana Anglade of Preservation Long Island, Helen Boxwill, founder of H2 Empower and Michelle McCarthy, Chief of Staff for Town of Huntington.

As Lizbeth was unable to attend, due to illness, Deb Cosher represented the LWV of Huntington and she presented the speech that Lizbeth had prepared. In it she highlighted the mission of the LWV, and the major activities in which we engage. The presentation also included short descriptions of the women from diverse ethnicities and cultures who actively advocated for women's right to vote. Deb also spoke about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) that has yet to be adopted as an amendment to the US constitution and the NYS version of the ERA that will be the ballot in November.

The speech was well received, and Deb was approached after the event by attendees interested in knowing more about the NYS ERA and the LWV. This event furthered enhanced the contributions that our League makes to the Town of Huntington. It was wonderful to be recognized and appreciated for all we do.

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    Save the Date: Meet the Candidates

Candidates for the New York State Assembly and the new York State Senate will face off against each other on October 10, 2024 at the Half Hollow Hills Library.

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